


Alumni are students who have attended CEI conferences as delegates at least twice, preferably more. They are now over 19 and therefore not eligible to attend as a delegate but still want to be part of the CEI family and work on improving their environment either alone, or with similar minded friends.

The CEI Alumni Team is an integral part of Caretakers of the Environment International that serves predominantly as a support for the host of the annual conference and to work for a sustainable future of CEI by engaging young environmentalists globally.

The CEI alumni consists of past participants who are actively working to improve their local environment and who are passionate about creating a sustainable planet for all. They share their skills and knowledge to help develop CEI. Former participants can register to be alumni and commit to spreading the Caretakers spirit through projects in their home country. Alumni can advise the host of the annual conference and the Board of Directors of CEI in the process of preparing and leading CEI conferences.

Alumni website has a new URL: